Yushan Draw Results

The draw result of Yushan Trails Day Hike (Tataka - Yushan Trails -Tataka ).August 17, 2024
The number of applicants registered for the draw (including postal application): 172 [53 teams]
The number of applicants:60 [21 teams]
List of teams is shown below:
TeamName:喇*鐵人0817   Team Leader:秦*根   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:K*ranthan2024 08/17單   Team Leader:張*傑   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:玉*衝鋒NO.1   Team Leader:何*宇   A total of10person(s)
TeamName:2*0817JY   Team Leader:葉*杰   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:凡*12345   Team Leader:吳*成   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:8*17 恭迎百岳無敵至尊越野超馬鳳梨綱神蒞臨玉山群峰   Team Leader:余*碩   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:慢*來,走上去1   Team Leader:呂*鳴   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:汪*汪0817'   Team Leader:林*榮   A total of6person(s)
TeamName:堅*地神加持過的阿淵   Team Leader:陳*淵   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:兩*阿豪帶妹妹單攻玉山主   Team Leader:劉*豪   A total of4person(s)
TeamName:柯*肉腳隊   Team Leader:柯*騰   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:後*格格隊   Team Leader:李*雄   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:l*bron56101   Team Leader:鍾*勳   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:逐*情報隊   Team Leader:許*鈞   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:雲*健行0817   Team Leader:黃*誠   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:一*快腳怪物單攻玉山8/17   Team Leader:辛*展   A total of7person(s)
TeamName:玉*南不難B   Team Leader:蘇*逸   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:毓*來電7   Team Leader:廖*賢   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:玉*單攻-CORN   Team Leader:鄭*閔   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:兄*二人之我們要攻頂   Team Leader:蔡*南   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:0*17來去玉山   Team Leader:呂*祥   A total of1person(s)

* It’s required to apply a mountain entry permit as well to go into mountain control area according to National Security Law. Learn more details: http://mountain.ysnp.gov.tw/english/CP_how.aspx. Apply to National Police Agency (+886-223-577-377, http://eli.npa.gov.tw/E7WebO/index02.jsp), Yushan National Park Police Corps (+886-492-775-110), or local police station close to trail entrance.
