Yushan Draw Results

The draw result of Paiyun Lodge.August 07, 2024
The number of applicants registered for the draw (including postal application): 256 [65 teams]
The number of applicants that get beds or camping space:116 [32 teams]
Bed: 116; Camping space:0List of teams is shown below:
TeamName:P*ndu   Team Leader:C*ew Zhi Han Gary   A total of 2 person(s)
TeamName:C*Y299   Team Leader:C*eung Chun Yu   A total of 1 person(s)
TeamName:E*phorbia   Team Leader:A*TIER Alexis   A total of 2 person(s)
TeamName:樂*哈B   Team Leader:簡*麟   A total of4person(s)
TeamName:喵*人家族要去玉山玩0807   Team Leader:黃*秋   A total of8person(s)
TeamName:阿*豆腐上玉山   Team Leader:丁*華   A total of7person(s)
TeamName:我*約至玉山煮東西   Team Leader:鄒*為   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:玉*走造咖0807   Team Leader:王*明   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:阿*玉山   Team Leader:松*川   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:P*D   Team Leader:林*衡   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:立*如來隊   Team Leader:高*亮   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:L*Y0807   Team Leader:林*宇   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:P*O   Team Leader:彭*慧   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:C*W lab去玉山啦   Team Leader:陳*浩   A total of6person(s)
TeamName:鹿*知馬力0810   Team Leader:周*弘   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:女*里予0807   Team Leader:曾*勒   A total of9person(s)
TeamName:為*1000塊上山的人們0807   Team Leader:唐*欣   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:m*na go0807   Team Leader:楊*上   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:范*快樂小烏龜   Team Leader:蔣*婷   A total of4person(s)
TeamName:山*無私3   Team Leader:司*萍   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:美*台灣國際   Team Leader:施*欽   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:鳳*赤子情   Team Leader:張*哲   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:比*愛玉山0807   Team Leader:張*然   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:惠*平安隊   Team Leader:賴*惠   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:大*807-09登玉山   Team Leader:章*雲   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:苗*IMC玉山行01   Team Leader:劉*鴻   A total of11person(s)
TeamName:仁*樂山百岳團8   Team Leader:呂*正   A total of8person(s)
TeamName:比*堡香水   Team Leader:邱*誠   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:超*星阿姆斯特朗旋風噴射阿姆斯特朗砲   Team Leader:錢*瑞   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:9*27就是你的終身代號,開始做事   Team Leader:陳*儂   A total of6person(s)
TeamName:征*欲3   Team Leader:吳*翰   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:咕*夢想隊3   Team Leader:吳*憲   A total of2person(s)
Wait list:
1.Team Name:0*07-08玉山   Team Leader:黃*昕   A total of8person(s)
2.Team Name:姊*上玉山333   Team Leader:林*如   A total of6person(s)
3.Team Name:0*06常盛   Team Leader:周*璋   A total of2person(s)

* It’s required to apply a mountain entry permit as well to go into mountain control area according to National Security Law. Learn more details: http://mountain.ysnp.gov.tw/english/CP_how.aspx. Apply to National Police Agency (+886-223-577-377, https://nv2.npa.gov.tw/NM107-604Client), Yushan National Park Police Corps (+886-492-775-110), or local police station close to trail entrance.

* Catering and Sleeping Bag Rental Service at Paiyun Lodge: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/en/news_4main.aspx?ID=1137

* Every campsite has its daily maximum capacity. If the draw result says “Being on A Waiting List,” the teams will have the priority to get the bed/camping spaces once the team having bed/camping spaces cancel their application. The team being on a waiting list can register application for other days and wait for vacancies. When the vacancies are less than the number of applicants on waiting list, the team can choose to cut down the number of applicants or cancel this application. 

※Please visit “Home >> Trails, Campgrounds and Bed Availability >> Yushan Cabin and Campground Availability” to learn more information and regulations of campgrounds.
