Yushan Draw Results

The draw result of Paiyun Lodge.August 21, 2024
The number of applicants registered for the draw (including postal application): 256 [71 teams]
The number of applicants that get beds or camping space:116 [26 teams]
Bed: 116; Camping space:0List of teams is shown below:
TeamName:王*   Team Leader:L*ura Wang   A total of 2 person(s)
TeamName:H*tagaya   Team Leader:T*mohiro Kasai   A total of 2 person(s)
TeamName:W*riaty   Team Leader:J*kub Ossowski   A total of 5 person(s)
TeamName:比*21號   Team Leader:李*錫   A total of5person(s)
TeamName:心*在玉里   Team Leader:林*華   A total of9person(s)
TeamName:2*240821_全球山水社X山海圳   Team Leader:蔡*炯   A total of7person(s)
TeamName:8*1玉東   Team Leader:林*迪   A total of9person(s)
TeamName:玉*小隊821   Team Leader:江*顯   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:中*EMBA攻頂團0821   Team Leader:洪*涵   A total of10person(s)
TeamName:生*特攻隊   Team Leader:陳*興   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:第*次抽我就看多難點點點   Team Leader:劉*庭   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:小*鹿VOLVO登山隊   Team Leader:蕭*紅   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:與*同行A++   Team Leader:涂*恭   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:雪*玉主登山隊   Team Leader:楊*詔   A total of10person(s)
TeamName:榮*   Team Leader:林*榮   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:彭*峯3   Team Leader:彭*峯   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:A*t-2   Team Leader:A*drew   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:于*玉山行   Team Leader:邱*益   A total of9person(s)
TeamName:W*0821   Team Leader:吳*銓   A total of4person(s)
TeamName:V*va Christo   Team Leader:范*令   A total of10person(s)
TeamName:鐮*隊玉山歡樂0821   Team Leader:陳*利   A total of12person(s)
TeamName:大*山友隊32   Team Leader:亷*源   A total of2person(s)
TeamName:與*同行A+   Team Leader:鄒*美   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:好*爬玉山8/21   Team Leader:田*文   A total of1person(s)
TeamName:最*房仲團   Team Leader:林*霓   A total of3person(s)
TeamName:Y*ki隊   Team Leader:劉*幸   A total of1person(s)
Wait list:
1.Team Name:J*dy 生日趴 8/21   Team Leader:彭*鈞   A total of4person(s)
2.Team Name:l*20240821   Team Leader:呂*鴻   A total of1person(s)
3.Team Name:春*0821   Team Leader:黃*信   A total of2person(s)

* It’s required to apply a mountain entry permit as well to go into mountain control area according to National Security Law. Learn more details: http://mountain.ysnp.gov.tw/english/CP_how.aspx. Apply to National Police Agency (+886-223-577-377, https://nv2.npa.gov.tw/NM107-604Client), Yushan National Park Police Corps (+886-492-775-110), or local police station close to trail entrance.

* Catering and Sleeping Bag Rental Service at Paiyun Lodge: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/en/news_4main.aspx?ID=1137

* Every campsite has its daily maximum capacity. If the draw result says “Being on A Waiting List,” the teams will have the priority to get the bed/camping spaces once the team having bed/camping spaces cancel their application. The team being on a waiting list can register application for other days and wait for vacancies. When the vacancies are less than the number of applicants on waiting list, the team can choose to cut down the number of applicants or cancel this application. 

※Please visit “Home >> Trails, Campgrounds and Bed Availability >> Yushan Cabin and Campground Availability” to learn more information and regulations of campgrounds.
