
Zhuilu Old Road Admission Fees
Post Date:2017-02-10 Released by:Taroko National Park Headquarters

1.Zhuilu Old Road entry fees begin from 16 March 2017 with full charge ticket for NT$200; discount charge ticket for NT$100 (students; age of 6 to age under 12); free of charge for children under six years old.

2.First apply for the entry permits ( Then print out, and go to the tickets booth and check-in desk both located at the Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou) Trail East Entrance, next to the entrance of Zhuilu Old Road, at 178.1k on Highway No.8 with your tickets and entry permits for entry.

3.Flow Chart 

   (1)Please show your entry permits and the preferential documents before the purchase of tickets; those who haven’t finished the entry permit procedure shall not buy tickets nor enter the Zhuilu Old Road.
   (2)On-site tollbooth provides only Same Day Tickets with no refund. Advance tickets are not available. One ticket is for one person only.

5.Preferential documents for free / discount tickets (including foreigners):
   (1)Free of charge:
      •Under 6 years old: documents such as household registry, health ID card, or passport.
      •Official execution: documents such as work permits, official letter and so forth.
   (2)Discount tickets:
      •Age of 6 to age under 12: documents such as household registry, health ID card, or passport.
      •Students: documents such as valid student ID card (including foreign students).

6.Tickets sale & entry check-in time: every day from 7:00 ~ 10:00 a.m.

7.Transportation advise:
        from Hualien Railway Station, Xincheng Railway Station or Taroko Visitor Center, take the Taroko Tourist Shuttle Bus and go to the tickets booth and check-in desk both located at the Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou) Trail East Entrance, next to the entrance of Zhuilu Old Road, at 178.1k on Highway No.8 with your tickets and entry permits for entry.
     (2)Cars: Please park by Highway No.8 at 179.3k (Xipan Service Station). Then, walk about 1 km to  to the entry tollbooth, which is located at the start of the Swallow Grotto (Yanzikou) trail.

8.The local Taroko, Sediq indigenous tribes require no permits, please carry your ID card for entry.

