
All Activities in Yushan National Park Protection Area are Prohibited from 23:30, July 22, 2024
Post Date:2024-07-22 Released by:Yushan National Park Headquarters

Subject: All Activities in Yushan National Park Protection Area are Prohibited from 23:30, July 22, 2024

Accordance: Article 19 of the National Parks Law, Disaster Prevention and Protection Act


  1. Following the issuance of Gaemi typhoon warning, it is prohibited to enter the park from 23:30, July 22, 2024.


  1. All approved park entry permits will be invalid when the park is closed due to typhoon warnings. Those who intend to enter the park later are required to re-apply for a new permit. Once the typhoon warning has expired, the park will reopen after assessing the conditions of the trials and the impact caused by the typhoon. The reopening date will be announced on the website when available. (See Article 5 of “Important Notices on Application for Entry into the Park Ecological Protection Areas of Yushan, Taroko and Shei-Pa National Park,” Article 8 of “Directions on Ecological Protection Area Control” and Article 20 of “Principles of Regulations of Park Permit Applications for Entering the Ecological Restricted Area of Yushan National Park.”)