Yushan Main (West) Peak Day Hike Application Guidelines
Modifiers Date:2024/07/03 Released by:Yushan National Park Headquarters

Yushan Main/West Peak Day Hike Application Guideline


Revised on 2020.05.29


To enhance ecological preservation, promote awareness of hiking safety, and reduce accidents, visitors are required to follow the regulations below when applying for a Yushan Main/West Peak Day Hike permit.

  1. Eligibility: Groups or individuals
  2. Route: Yushan Main Peak or Yushan West Peak
  3. Group Size: 1-12 people per group; maximum of 60 people per day
  4. Application Deadline: 5 days to 2 months prior to the entry date
  5. Application Undertaking Unit: Park Entry Services Unit, Yushan National Park Headquarters
  6. Online Application for Taiwan National Park Permits: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/en/web_index.aspx

A lottery draw will be conducted around 1 month before the entry date (postponed to the following workday when encountering weekends/holidays). After the lottery, available slots will be filled in chronological order. The group leader/agent needs to verify if all members have hiking experience at locations higher than 3000m before this trip.

  1. Groups approved for park entry must adhere to the following regulations:
    1. It is not allowed to add or change group member(s).
    2. Checkpoints: Paiyun Lodge and/or Paiyun Mountaineering Center. Please show an approved permit to the staff at Paiyun Lodge. Members must bring their identity documents for inspection.
    3. Ideally, groups should enter the park after 5 a.m., and leave the park before 5 p.m. For safety reasons, those who do not reach Paiyun Lodge by 10 a.m. must return to the trailhead.
  2. All members must adhere to the National Park Law and park regulations. For any violation or perjury, the applicant, group leader, guide, or respective individuals shall be prosecuted according to the law.
  3. Important Notices:
    1. Yushan Main/West Peak Day Hike is not available during snow season (January - March).
    2. Visitors will start the Yushan Main/West Peak Day Hike from Tataka Trailhead at 2,600m and will reach Yushan Main Peak at 3,952m in a short time before going back to the trailhead (Ascent/descent of around 1,352m with a total length of 21.8 km). The trip should be completed in approximately 12 hours, making it considered a difficult hike, which challenges the members' adaptability to high altitude and their fitness. As such, visitors need to carefully evaluate their physical fitness before planning for this trip. When experiencing fatigue or symptoms of altitude sickness during the hike, visitors should stop the hike and return to the trailhead immediately.
    3. To enhance ecological preservation and promote awareness of hiking safety, please complete the Hiking Safety and Environmental Education online course before the hike (https://www.ysnp.gov.tw/En/Folder/SafetyEn).
    4. Ideally, all group members should be 18 or older. Applicants under 18 must provide a signed parental/guardian permission form.


The group leader/applicant must inform all members of this guideline, which all members must agree to.
