Information on Entry Application for Yushan National Park Ecological Protected Area during the Snow Season
Modified Date: 2024/07/03 Released by Yushan National Park Headquarters

Snow Season Application Instructions for Entering Yushan National Park Ecological Protected Area

Amended on 2019.9.25

  1. Snow Season: Declared when Paiyun Lodge has 5cm of accumulated snow. Estimated from mid-December to March annually (please refer to our website for actual dates).
  2. Trails:
    1. Standard Snow Season Application: all trails in Yushan National Park
    2. Application for Snow Training Program: Yushan Trails
  3. Application Window: 5 days to 2 months before the entry date
  4. Application Requirements: group leader must have been trained for hiking in the snow and have necessary gear; all members must have experience and gear for hiking in the snow.
  5. Online Application: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/en/apply_1.aspx
    1. Standard Snow Season Application
      1. The applicant/group leader should evaluate the group leader’s competence and members’ experience of hiking in the snow.
      2. Complete and upload the “Snow Control Application Checklist & Declaration
    2. Application for Snow Training Program
      1. The applicant/group leader should evaluate the group leader’s competence and members’ experience of hiking in the snow.
      2. Complete and upload a snow training plan.
      3. Complete and upload the “Snow Control Application Checklist & Declaration
  6. Groups approved for entering the park must follow the regulations below:
    1. There should 3-6 people in a group, and group members cannot be substituted.
    2. All members must bring passports for inspection.
    3. Upon entering the park, all members must exercise extreme caution regarding personal safety and ecological preservation. Hiking insurance is recommended.
    4. All members must adhere to park regulations; any violations or perjury are punishable by law.
    5. Snow Training Certification can only be from authorized agencies. Those who have climbed well-known mountain routes around the world are considered to have solid competence of hiking in the snow as well.
  7. Once Snow Season has been declared, all approved applications will revert to their pre-approval status. Groups still hoping to enter the park can maintain their reserved status, but must submit the required Snow Season application documents as soon as possible. Entry is only permitted after (re-)approval.
  8. Day hike to Mt. Jade Main or West Peak is prohibited during snow season. All approved permit will be invalid once the snow season starts.


Yushan National Park Headquarters
Equipment, Fitness, and Skill Evaluation Checklist for Snow Season Hiking/Training



(Members must know how to use the equipment)

Fitness and Hiking

Experience Evaluation





Essential items: helmet, crampons, ice axe

Hiking in the snow: headlamp, warm headwear, snow goggles, warm & waterproof clothing, hiking boots, wool socks, gaiters, waterproof gloves, thermos

Climbing gear:

£ safety harness £ belay devices £ locking carabiner
£ ascenders/descenders
£ climbing rope
£ accessory cords


Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal

Other experience:_______________________

Experience of high altitude climbing in the snow outside of Taiwan


£ Qualified

£ Unqualified



Essential items: helmet, crampons, ice axe
Hiking in the snow: headlamp, warm headwear, snow goggles, warm & waterproof clothing, hiking boots, wool socks, gaiters, waterproof gloves, thermos

Climbing gear:

£ safety harness £ belay devices £ locking carabiner
£ ascenders/descenders
£ climbing rope
£ accessory cords


Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal
Winter hiking skill training:

£ Yes £ No





Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal
Winter hiking skill training:
£ Yes £ No





Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal
Winter hiking skill training:
£ Yes £ No





Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal
Winter hiking skill training:
£ Yes £ No





Physical fitness and body condition:
£ Strong £ Normal £ Weak
Snow hiking experience above 3000m:
£ 5+ £ 1-4
Hiking experience above 3000m over 3 days:
£ Abundant £ Normal
Winter hiking skill training:
£ Yes £ No



1. Group leader should fill in the name of group members and check the essential equipment and experiences before departure, and is responsible for the safety of all members during the hike.

2. Groups are required to check-in at Paiyun Mountaineering Center. On-site staff will check if all required equipment is present before granting entry.



Group____________________, totaling___people, entering on ______/____/____ and departing on ______/___/____ to hike ______________________ (route), hereby declare that we understand the difficulties in hiking the routes in Yushan National Park during snow season and the risk of slipping/falling on snow, high altitude illness, hypothermia, and getting lost, etc. We concur with Yushan National Park’s efforts in protecting Yushan’s ecology and the safety of entering hikers. We affirm that we are physically fit, fully equipped with the required snow hiking equipment, and have adequate snow hiking skills to complete the hike. We have applied for travel/hiking insurance, will exercise extreme caution regarding personal safety and ecological preservation, and the group leader will take full responsibility for the safety of the group. We will abide by all National Park rules and regulations. We are willing to cooperate with any inspection by staff of Yushan National Park and/or Yushan Police Branch, Sixth Division, Seventh Special Police Corps of National Police Agency. For our own safety, when any of the above protocols are violated, we will voluntarily cancel the hike and depart immediately. We will follow instructions to depart if so ordered by authorities or suffer legal consequences as prescribed by relevant laws and regulations.

※ In case of cancellation, we will notify Yushan National Park as soon as possible.

This declaration and its contents have been conveyed to all members of the group, understood and agreed by everyone, and signed personally by each individual. We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Signatures of all group members:







