Any catering services and gear rental services available at Paiyun Lodge?
Modifiers Date:2024/07/04 Released by:Yushan National Park Headquarters


Please visit the website below for more details of catering services and sleeping bag rental services.


Please note that the sleeping bag rental and catering services are available through another organization that operates the lodge, and Yushan National Park does not process any meal/sleeping bag rental orders.

You can find the English Order Sheet here:


After completing the order sheet, please email it to


Please submit the order at least 7 days before the lodging date to allow time for preparation. Submit the English Order Sheet and indicate your status as a foreign visitor, and you can pay the charges when you arrive at Paiyun Lodge. The organization usually contacts foreign visitors through email around 1 week before the hike to confirm the details and provide payment instructions.


(Note: Adding the email address go177813@gmail.com to the contact list can help ensure the receipt of confirmation emails, as sometimes email notifications can be blocked or ended up in spam.)



Other Information:

Hot drinking water available during the following hours: 1:30-2:30, 7:00-9:00, 14:00-17:00


Contact : 0976-476783, 0932-950783 

