Why are there quotas for each trail? How do I apply for space in a mountain cabin? How is space allocated?
Modifiers Date:2019/04/01 Released by:Taroko National Park Headquarters

The Park Headquarters have implemented quotas for several trails, which limits the number of hikers to certain areas every day in accordance with subparagraph 10 of Article 8 of the National Park Act: “Ecological protection area: refers to the area where the natural biotic communities shall be stringently protected from development and shall be used only for scientific research.” The quotas are set in accordance to the ecological fragility of each area, and/or takes into account existing facilities and camping space in the area. Therefore, quotas are set to (a) protect the fragile ecological environment, and (b) to maintain a high quality of activities in each area.

Quotas differ by route and by type of day. For most routes, the quota for non-holidays (Monday to Thursday) is less than the quota for holidays (Friday to Sunday and public holidays). For example: (a) Qilai Mountain Area: 40 people on an ordinary day and 60 people at weekend/holiday time; (b) Mt. Nanhu: 60 people on an ordinary day and 100 people at weekend and holiday times; (c) Zhuilu Old Road: 96 people ordinary time, 156 people at weekend and holiday time. A full list of quotas can be found on the Taroko Trails Availability page of our website: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/en/bed_5.aspx

To apply for a mountain cabin bed online, the applicant selects the relevant mountain cabin and the system will automatically allocate a bed in accordance with application time, reference number and approval situation.
