Paiyun Lodge Rules and Regulations
Modifiers Date:2022/03/09 Released by:Yushan National Park Headquarters

  1. Please show the park entry permit to the lodge management and stay in the allotted bed.  Check-in starts at 14:00, and the check-out time is 10:00.
  2. Please put on indoor slippers before entering in order to keep the lodge clean and tidy.  Speak and walk softly in order to maintain the peaceful atmosphere of the lodge.
  3. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter duty rooms, management rooms, generator rooms, etc.  All indoor and outdoor escape ladders, entrances and exits must be kept clear at all times.
  4. Outsourced food and drinking water services and sleeping bag rental services are provided at this mountain lodge.  Guests are not allowed to cook, light fires, set up tents or undertake for-profit activities.
  5. This lodge does not provide safekeeping services for personal belongings.  Personal belongings should be disposed neatly in accordance with regulations.  Guests are advised to keep valuables on their person at all times.
  6. Team leaders are responsible for the safety of their team members and any emergency that may arise.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the duty staff in the room opposite the service desk, or make enquiries at the Paiyun service station on the west side of the lodge.
  7. It is not easy to provide lodge facilities.  Please take care of public property, save water and electricity, and take garbage and food waste with you when you descend the mountain.
  8. In accordance with the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, smoking is strictly prohibited in the areas in and around the lodge.