How does the waitlist work for trails and/or cabins?
Modifiers Date:2019/04/01 Released by:Taroko National Park Headquarters

Every route allows up to 10 teams on the waitlist for each route each day. When a route is fully booked, the system will automatically register applicants on the waitlist. If an already-approved party cancels their application for that day and the number of freed places is equal or more than the number of people in the first team on the standby list, the system will automatically move the first team on the waitlist to within the quota. If an already-approved party cancels their application for that day and the number of freed places is less than the number of people in the first team on the standby list, the system will automatically contact the first team on the waitlist by email informing them that places are available and that they can modify the number of persons on their team to fit the available freed places. If the notified team does not take the places within two days, their application will automatically be cancelled and the places will be offered to the next team on the waitlist. The waitlist expires according to the time limit for application for each route.

Bed standby: The number of beds does not always equal the quota for its respective route. If the applicant applies for a bed when the beds in each cabin on the specific day are already fully booked, the applicant will need to camp near the cabin. If beds become available because of cancellation by another team, the system will allocate the available beds to teams on the standby list in the order of their application time. The waitlist for cabin space functions similarly to the waitlist for trail quotas. Standby time ends one day before the date of team departure.
