Can I apply to hike solo (i.e. by myself)?
Modifiers Date:2019/04/08 Released by:Taroko National Park Headquarters

Taroko National Park accepts solo-hiking applications at all times of the year (including the winter season). If you would like to make a solo-hiking application, you will need to complete and attach the “Letter of Undertaking for Solo Climbing in the Taroko National Park Ecological Protection Area and Other Restricted Mountain Area” form with your application: https://hike.taiwan.gov.tw/NationPark/manasystem/news/files/news/af6d8cb0-ab60-42ef-9c08-82f0061c1397.pdf

Please note that you do not need to complete and attach the above-mentioned form if you intend to solo-hike Zhuilu Old Road and/or Mt. Qilai South Peak. 
