Mountaineering Safety Video(HOT) Taroko National Park Important Notices for Park Entry

Application Type

Online application: Please apply through this system to obtain an Eco-Protection Areas (Park) Entry Permit, and fill in the following form according to regulations. After obtaining a permit, please apply for a restricted mountain areas (Police/Mountain) Entry Permit from the National Police Agency or local police units, if needed. 

Please contact the Park Entry Permits Office (Taroko National Park Headquarters, Tourism and Recreation Section) if you have any further questions.

Tel:+886-3-8621576 or +886-3-8621100 ext. 605
Office Hours: Mon – Fri 08:30 – 12:30; 13:30 – 17:30

Application Deadline

1. Please submit the application between 7 a.m. to 11 pm. The system will be closed from 11pm to 7a.m., the next morning, every day for routine maintenance. Restrictions regarding maximum number of visitors are applied to some routes. Please pay attention to related information and restrictions regarding maximum number of visitors.

2. Mt. Qilai, Qilai North Peak, Qilai Mountains, East section of Mt. Qilai, Qilai South Peak, Mt. Nanhu, Nanhu-Zhongyangjian, Section 1.~2. North of Central Mts., Section 2. North of Central Mts., Mt. Shuan-Mt. Lingming, Mt. Shuan single ascent, Bilu- Yangtou Trek, Mt. Qingshui, and other routes:
*Application window open 5 days to 2 months before date of intended entry (closing at 3 pm, 5 days before the date of intended entry).
*Each application is only applicable to one team. A team can be consist of a maximum of 12 people. A separate (new) application should be applied when the number of team members is greater than 12. An applicant can be a team member or a team leader once a day. (For example, one cannot be a member of a team and the leader of another on the same day.)
*Applications submitted less than 5 days before entry will not be accepted.
*Applications submitted within 2 months before entry will be arranged in the order of submission time.
*Once an application is approved, the date of entry, party members (including the leader, team members, Emergency Coordinator) cannot be altered or added. Cancellation (for individual or for the entire party) is acceptable. Additional applications should be submitted when additional members wish to participate.

3. Mt. Yangtou, Mt. Bilu single ascent route:
*Application window open 3 days to 2 months before entry (closing at 3 pm, 3 days before the date of intended entry).
*Each application is only applicable to one team. A team can be consist of a maximum of 12 people. A separate (new) application should be applied when the number of team members is greater than 12. An applicant can be a team member or a team leader once a day. (For example, one cannot be a member of a team and the leader of another on the same day.)
*Applications submitted less than 3 days before entry will not be accepted.
*Applications submitted within 2 months before entry will be arranged in the order of submission time.
*Once an application is approved, the date of entry, party members (including the leader, team members, Emergency Coordinator) cannot be altered or added. Cancellation (for individual or for the entire party) is acceptable. Additional applications should be submitted when additional members wish to participate.

4. Zhuilu Old Road single day route:
*Submissions are accepted between 3 pm the day before the day of entry to 60 days before the day of entry.
*An applicant can only apply for a 12-people party once a day for Zhuilu Old Road. An applicant can be a team member or a team leader once a day. (For example, one cannot be a member of a team and the leader of another on the same day.)
*The latest submission time for Zhuilu Old Road is before 3 pm the day before entering on Tuesday to Friday and before 3 pm on Friday for entry on Saturday to Monday. The application should be applied before 3 pm the day before consecutive holidays. The applications submitted within 2 months before entry will not be limited by the regulations mentioned above.
*Once an application is approved, the date of entry, party members (including the leader, team members, Emergency Coordinator) cannot be altered or added. Cancellation (for individual or for the entire party) is acceptable. Additional applications should be submitted when additional members wish to participate.


All the visitors could do the application in this system. Foreign visitors could fill in the passport number or ARC number in the ID No. field. Please offer the correct information and practical plan.

Team leaders shall be adults aged 18 or above, and capable of maintaining the climbing team's safety.

Team members under the age of 18 shall obtain the consent of a parent, and the Consent Form signed by the parent or guardian shall be uploaded on the system.

Process to Fill Vacancies

Standby measure-the limit on the number of people on each route does not equal to the number of bed available in mountain huts(cabins). The following standby measure was established in response to the limit on number of climbers being greater than the number of beds available:

Bed vacancy standby: When scheduling itinerary, applicants can choose to stay at cabins or to bring their own tents. When cabins are demanded, bed vacancy of the cabins will be distributed according to time order of applications. When no beds are available at the moment of submission, any already-approved party cancels their reservations, thus freeing bed vacancies, the system will redistribute bed vacancies to the parties according to time order of applications. Bed vacancy standby ends at 3 pm before the day of departure.

Route waitlist: Every route allows up to 10 teams on the waitlist for each route each day. When a route is fully booked, the system will automatically register applicants on the waitlist. If an already-approved party cancels their application for that day and the number of freed places is equal or more than the number of people in the first team on the standby list, the system will automatically move the first team on the waitlist to within the quota. If an already-approved party cancels their application for that day and the number of freed places is less than the number of people in the first team on the standby list, the system will automatically contact the first team on the waitlist by email informing them that places are available and that they can modify the number of persons on their team to fit the available freed places. If the notified team does not take the places within two days, their application will automatically be cancelled and the places will be offered to the next team on the waitlist. The waitlist expires according to the time limit for application for each route.

Zhuilu Old Trail waitlist:
*A flexible increase in daily quotas according to the last team that submitted their application before the quota has been reached.
*A maximum of 10 teams on standby (waitlist) to hike Zhuilu Old Road per day. When the daily quota for Zhuilu Old Road has been reached, the system will automatically register applications on standby (waitlist).
*If an already-approved party within the daily quota cancels their application for that day and the number of freed places is equal or more than the number of people in the first team on the standby list, the system will automatically move the first team on the waitlist for that specific day to within the quota (the entire party member will be approved by the park if there are no violation records.). If after the first team is moved to within the quota and the remaining freed places is still more than the number of people in the next (second) team on the standby list for that specific day, the system will automatically consider this standby party, and follow suit for successive parties according to their application submission time. The system will pause the above standby measures when the number of people on the next standby team is equal to or more than the remaining freed places within the quota for the specified day.
*If the total number of persons admitted to Zhuilu Old Road exceeds the daily quota, the standby measures detailed above in (C) will be suspended until the number of persons admitted to Zhuilu Old Road is less than the daily quota (i.e. if persons/teams already within the daily quota cancel their applications to reduce the total number of admitted persons).
*The standby application window for Zhuilu Old Road ends at 3 pm the working day before the date of intended entry (i.e. 3 pm the day before consecutive public holidays).


*Once an application is approved, the date of entry, party members (including the leader, team members, Emergency Coordinator) cannot be altered or added. Cancellation (for individual or for the entire party) is acceptable. Additional applications should be submitted when additional members wish to participate. 

*When visitors who has been granted access cannot make it to the trip, cancelation of the permits has to be made online before 3 pm the day before entry. Cancellation can be made online for individual or for the entire party.

Foreign Visitors

Advance Application for Zhuilu Old Road (Foreigners Only)
*Application window: 35 days to 4 months before date of intended entry; weekdays only (Monday to Thursday, excluding public holidays)
*Application Website: Through the English version of the "Online Application for Taiwan National Park Permits" website
*Restrictions: Applicants can submit one application (maximum 12 persons per application) for Zhuilu Old Road per date of intended entry. An applicant can be a team member or a team leader only once per day (e.g. one cannot be a member of a team and the leader of another team on the same day.) All team members must possess foreign nationality; please upload the photo page of your valid passport or a resident ID card as proof.
*Once an application has been approved, the date of entry and the names of all team members (including the leader, team members, and the emergency coordinator) cannot be altered, and additional team members cannot be added to the same application. Cancellation (for an individual or for the entire party, excluding the team leader) can be accepted. Separate applications should be submitted if additional members wish to hike on the same date of intended entry.
*Standby Measure: There will be no standby measures (i.e. waitlist) for foreign visitor applications to Zhuilu Old Road. All applicants regardless of nationality are welcome to apply through the standard application window (1 – 2 months before date of intended entry) if the quota for foreign visitors has already been reached.


1. If a typhoon warning, forest fires, or other emergency announcement has been issued, the Park Headquarters may implement additional emergency measures that prohibit entry to one or more trails. All Park Entry Permits approved during the affected dates for the affected routes will be deemed void (ineffective) upon the issuance of the announcement. If teams are already en route during this period,please cooperate with emergency personnel and follow instructions to either evacuate the mountain area in danger or to temporarily stay at a safe location to wait out the natural disaster.

2. Emergency contacts are critical information during crisis. Please fill in the name and the phone number of family members that are not going to the trip. Team members should not share the same emergency contact except for foreigners or team members who come from the same family. Contacting addresses should be addresses for contacting purposes.

3. Management of Violations:
1. Park personnel administering the Park Entry Permits system will check the violation records of the applicant, the team leader, and all team members, and review their application accordingly.
2.If an applicant, team leader, and/or team member falls into any of the following, the Park Entry Permits Office may prevent the entry of the relevant person(s) into the Ecological Protection Area and its application for admission to the park from the date of the violation or the date of the administrative ruling of the Department, and impose a fine on the prohibition of the announcement:
Restriction on entering the Park for a half year:
i. Notwithstanding abnormal weather or special conditions, a team does not enter the Park and has not cancelled their Park Entry Permit by 15:00 the day before Park Entry. The applicant and the team leader will be served the restriction.
ii. Notwithstanding abnormal weather or special conditions, a team does not enter the Park following their application itinerary. The applicant and the team leader will be served the restriction.
Restriction on entering the Park for a full year:
i. Those who violate Articles 13 and 19 of the National Parks Law; enter the park without permission; lie to park wardens and rangers; bring unapproved personnel; and travel without a team leader (For Zhuilu Old Road: if all members excluding the team leader completed the hike, only the team leader will be served the restriction). The team leader will be served the restriction.
ii. In response to the special environment in the mountainous area and the safety of the overall team members, the team leader does not take full responsibility for the safety and management of emergencies on behalf of the team. The team leader will be served the restriction.

4.Feeding or harassing wild life are forbidden inside the national park.

5.Visitors are not allowed to take pets into Ecological Protection Areas, Archeological Protection Areas or Special Scenic Areas (except along roads).

6.Porters and any other support personnel should be included as team members in the Park Entry Permit application.

7.When entering any Ecological Protection Area, teams should bring with them their Park Entry Permits, Mountain Entry Permits, and/or identification of all team members for checking by park ranges and wardens.Please contact the National Police Agency for more information regarding applications for Mountain Entry Permits.

8.In order to maintain equal opportunity for all teams and applications, teams must follow their proposed itinerary and enter/exit the Park on their listed dates.Teams may not enter the Park on any other dates other than their proposed entry date.

9. Hikers intending to enter Ecological Protection Areas and other restricted zones within the National Park should first successfully obtain a Park Entry Permit before obtaining a Mountain Entry Permit.Hikers embarking on one-day out-and-back routes must also apply within the same time periods pertaining to their routes to ensure equal rights for all hikers.
